Following are the step-by-step instructions on how to install and use our Darkroom Booth Greenscreen “Mix and Match” Template.

There are 4 sections to this installation:

  1. Installation
  2. Enabling the template for an Event
  3. Replacing the photos on Screen images
  4. Replacing the photos on Layout images


  • Download the compressed file from our website
  • Extract the compressed file which will create a folder with the same name
  • Double click the extracted folder and there should be 2 .exe files inside it

  • Double click Install_Screen.exe and accept all defaults
  • Double click Install_Templates.exe and accept all defaults
  • Open Darkroom Booth
  • To verify that everything installed properly, open Windows Explorer then
    • navigate to X:\BoothScreens and verify that the file PBA_GS_MixMatch.xbdr exist
    • navigate to X:\BoothTemplates and verify that the files PBA_GS_MixMatch_1Photo_Template.xbdr and PBA_GS_MixMatch_3Strip_Template.xbdr exist.
  • If all files are there, you have successfully completed the installation and may proceed to the next section.  If not, contact for assistance.


  • Create an Event in Darkroom Booth

[NOTE] This template comes with 2 layouts (1 photo 4″x6″ postcard and 3 photos 2″x6″ strip).  Depending on which layout you will use, your basic options in the Main tab would look similar to these

1 photo 4″x6″ postcard

For this Template, choose PBA_GS_MixMatch_1Photo_Template.xbdr

3 photos 2″x6″ strips

For this Template, choose PBA_GS_MixMatch_3Strip_Template.xbdr

  • Go to the Screens tab and choose the PBA_GS_MixMatch.xbdr template

  • Go to the Text tab and clear the entry for Start Text and End Text (example below)

  • Go to the Timing tab, below are example timing that works for us.  You would have to experiment to see what works best for you and your audience.

  • Go to the Liveview tab, below are example of our settings.  This would vary depending on your preference but we recommend to have the “When to show liveview window:  Always on before and during session


  • Go to the Screens tab then click Edit

[RECOMMENDATION] To simplify this process, please name your images bg1.jpg for background 1, bg2.jpg for background 2, etc…  Same recommendation applies with the foreground/overlay, fg1.png for foreground 1, fg2.png for foreground 2, etc…

  • Make the following changes

1. Change the Liveview background photos

  • Double click Graphic: bg1.png
  • Click Edit
  • Remove sample images
  • Add each of your images and should look something similar to this Graphic list (note the order of the filenames)

2. Change the Liveview foreground photos

  • Double click Graphic: fg1.png
  • Click Edit
  • Remove sample images
  • Add each of your images and should look something similar to this Graphic List (note the order of the filenames)

[NOTE] fg5.png is just a blank png file with a tiny unnoticeable dot.

3. Change each background thumbnails by double clicking each image on the list (Graphic: bg1.jpg, Graphic: bg2.jpg, ect.)

  • Click Browse to upload your image
  • Scroll down to Booth Command and make sure that the foreground number at the end correspond to the order on the Graphic list

  • Repeat for each background images

4. Change each foreground thumbnails by double clicking each image on the list (Graphic: fg1.png, Graphic: fg2.png, ect.)

  • Click Browse to upload your image
  • Scroll down to Booth Command and make sure that the background number at the end correspond to the order on the Graphic list

  • Repeat for each foreground images
  • Finally, Save (or Save As) the Screen Template


[NOTE] I will only be going over 1 photo 4″x6″ layout on this instruction since the concept is the same for multiple photos.

  • Go to the Main tab then click Choose
  • Left click once to select PBA_GS_MixMatch_1Photo_Template.xbdr then click Edit

  • Make the following changes

  1. Change the background photos
  • Double click Graphic: bfg1.jpg
  • Click Edit
  • Remove sample images
  • Add each of your images and should look something similar to this Graphic List (note the order of the filenames)

2. Set photo to Chroma-key

Double click Photo: Photo1: Photo1 and verify that Chroma-key is selected under Transparency

3. Change the foreground photos

  • Double click Graphic: fg1.png
  • Click Edit
  • Remove sample images
  • Add each of your images and should look something similar to this Graphic List (note the order of the filenames)

[NOTE] fg5.png is just a blank png file with a tiny unnoticeable dot.

  • Finally, Save (or Save As) the Layout Template
  • Now you’re ready to use Mix and Match Greenscreen template with your Darkroom Booth.



For questions or further assistance, please send an email to


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